Rafroball ist eine Sportart, die alle Menschen miteinander treiben können.
A straightforward, inclusive approach to sport

No pressure, no limits

Let’s start with the most important aspect first: when it comes to inclusion, attitude is everything. If you look for solutions instead of problems, you’re already one step ahead. And if you like to try things out and get your students and athletes involved in finding solutions, success is guaranteed.

As a societal concept, ‘inclusion’ describes a situation where every person can feel included, regardless of their personal needs. In an inclusive society, nobody is marginalised: differences are tolerated and taken as a matter of course. The only ‘normal’ thing is that everyone is different and has different needs as far as sport goes, too.

«For me, inclusion means not being reduced to a disability, but also not being lauded for accomplishing everyday tasks.»
Joachim Röthlisberger, member of the competitive sports team at PluSport and former Paralympic alpine skier

«In my view, inclusion involves everyone being respected as equals and having the chance to take part in societal, economic, sporting and political life.»
Christoph Sommer, head of the Worblaufen Sales team at RBS and PluSport ambassador

More statements by PluSport athletes in the video (in german).

Winterthur Marathon

Organizer: Winterthur Marathon und PluSport Behindertensport Winterthur

Disability Form: DIV + NB

Age Group: Kinder, Jugendliche, Erwachsene

Period: 26.05.2024

City: Winterthur

Diverse Sportarten/Sports divers
Seeländisches Turnfest

Organizer: OK Seeländisches Turnfest Kallnach

Disability Form: DIV + NB

Age Group: Jugendliche, Erwachsene

Period: 07.06.24 - 08.06.24

City: Kallnach

Nordic Walking/Marche nordique
Diverse Sportarten/Sports divers
Regionales Turnfest RTF-GLZ

Organizer: OK RTF-GLZ

Disability Form: DIV

Age Group: Jugendliche, Erwachsene

Period: 08.06.24 - 16.06.24

City: Mönchaltorf

Diverse Sportarten/Sports divers
Solothurner Kantonalturnfest Buechibärg

Organizer: OK KTF 2024 Buechibärg

Disability Form: DIV + NB

Age Group: Kinder, Jugendliche, Erwachsene

Period: 14.06.24 - 23.06.24

City: Lüterkofen

Diverse Sportarten/Sports divers
Bündner-Glarner Kantonalturnfest

Organizer: OK Bündner-Glarner Kantonalturnfest

Disability Form: DIV + NB

Age Group: Jugendliche, Erwachsene

Period: 14.06.24 - 16.06.24

City: Domat/Ems

Diverse Sportarten/Sports divers
Mittelländisches Turnfest Belp

Organizer: OK Mittelländisches Turnfest

Disability Form: DIV + NB

Age Group: Jugendliche, Erwachsene

Period: 15.06.24 - 23.06.24

City: Belp

Diverse Sportarten/Sports divers
Verbandsturnfest Neuenkirch

Organizer: OK Verbandsturnfest Neuenkirch

Disability Form: DIV + NB

Age Group: Jugendliche, Erwachsene

Period: 15.06.24 - 23.06.24

City: Neuenkirch LU

Diverse Sportarten/Sports divers
Schwyzer Kantonalturnfest Einsiedeln

Organizer: OK Schwyzer Kantonalturnfest 2024

Disability Form: DIV + NB

Age Group: Jugendliche, Erwachsene

Period: 15.06.24 - 23.06.24

City: Einsiedeln

Diverse Sportarten/Sports divers
Regionalturnfest Sulz-Laufenburg

Organizer: OK Turnfest Sulz-Laufenburg

Disability Form: DIV + NB

Age Group: Jugendliche, Erwachsene

Period: 20.06.24 - 23.06.24

City: Sulz-Laufenburg

Diverse Sportarten/Sports divers
St. Galler Kantonalturnfest

Organizer: OK S. Galler Kantonalturnfest

Disability Form: DIV + NB

Age Group: Jugendliche, Erwachsene

Period: 22.06.24 - 30.06.24

City: Benen

Diverse Sportarten/Sports divers
Kreisturnfest Schofise

Organizer: OK Kreisturnfest Schofise

Disability Form: DIV + NB

Age Group: Jugendliche, Erwachsene

Period: 22.06.24 - 30.06.24

City: Schafisheim

Midsummer Run Bern

Organizer: Midsummer Run Bern und PluSport Behindertensport Schweiz

Disability Form: DIV + NB

Age Group: Kinder, Jugendliche, Erwachsene

Period: 23.06.2024

City: Bern

Diverse Sportarten/Sports divers
Thurgauer Kantonalturnfest 2024

Organizer: OK Thurgauer Kantonalturnfest

Disability Form: DIV + NB

Age Group: Jugendliche, Erwachsene

Period: 23.06.2024

City: Arbon-Roggwil

Diverse Sportarten/Sports divers
Verbandsturnfest Madiswil

Organizer: OK Madis 24

Disability Form: DIV + NB

Age Group: Jugendliche, Erwachsene

Period: 28.06.24 - 30.06.24

City: Madiswil

Reiten und Polysport im Sommer

Disability Form: DIV + NB

Age Group: Kinder, Jugendliche, Erwachsene

Period: 14.07.24 - 20.07.24

City: Wald AR

Procap Schwimmtag Olten

Organizer: Procap Sport

Disability Form: DIV + NB

Age Group: Erwachsene, Jugendliche, Kinder

Period: 24.08.2024

City: Olten

Diverse Sportarten/Sports divers
Procap Bewegungs- und Begegnungstag Sargans

Organizer: Procap Sport

Disability Form: DIV + NB

Age Group: Erwachsene, Jugendliche, Kinder

Period: 07.09.2024

City: Sargans

Reiten durch den bunten Herbst

Disability Form: DIV + NB

Age Group: Kinder, Jugendliche, Erwachsene

Period: 06.10.24 - 12.10.24

City: Wald AR

Fussball A

Organizer: Behinderten-Sportgruppe Horw

Disability Form: GB + NB

Age Group: Erwachsene, Jugendliche

Execution: Mo. 17.30 - 19.00

City: Halle + Wiese

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